Therap for Canada 2023.7.1 Released!
Release Date: 10/11/2023
To learn more about the new features and enhancements included in this release, please view Release User Guides for Canada 2023.7.1


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  • A new Extension subfield has been added beside the Phone field in the ‘Appointment Information’ section of the Appointments form which can hold up to 5 characters.

    Screenshot showing the Extension subfield of the Appointments form.

Behavior Data

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  • Users will be able to enter ‘0’ (zero) in the Frequency field in the ‘Interval Data’ section of the ‘Behavior Data’ form.

    Screenshot showing the Zero Input in the Frequency field

  • Users will be able to enter a combined total of 100 rows for ‘Interval Data List’ and ‘Event Data List’.

    Screenshot showing the rows for Interval Data List and Event Data List

  • If No Behavior Recorded checkbox has been selected in the ‘Behavior Data’ form, the corresponding Behavior Data entry will be shown on the ‘Behavior Report’. Also, the ‘Behavior Report’ will not show continuous straight lines for time frames for which there is no Behavior Data. The portion will now remain blank.

    Screenshot showing the Graph Lines in Behavior Data Report


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  • The ‘Billing Data Generation Summary’ pop-up window which is shown while generating Billing Data from the Attendance grid has been redesigned. Users will also be able to export the Billing Data Generation Summary into an Excel file by clicking on the Export to Excel link at the top of the pop-up window.

    Screenshot of the Billing Data Generation Summary window

    If Billing Data could not be generated from Attendance, the pop-up window will show the reason in the Summary column. Users will be able to open the corresponding Service Authorization form by clicking on the form ID.

    Screenshot of the reason when Billing Data failed to generate.

Comprehensive Health Assessment Tool (eCHAT)

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  • Once an eCHAT has been approved, the ‘Active Diagnoses’ and the ‘Resolved Diagnoses’ sections and the Other Medical Information field in the ‘Diagnoses and Conditions’ section will no longer reflect any updates to the corresponding information made on the ‘Diagnosis List’ and ‘Individual Details’ pages on the Individual Demographic Form (IDF). Additionally, a new message stating Diagnoses and Other Medical Information are shown here as they looked when this form was approved. will now be displayed at the top of the ‘Diagnoses and Conditions’ section of approved and discontinued eCHAT forms. However, eCHAT forms that were approved prior to this release will not be affected by this change.

    Screenshot of the eCHAT form highlighting the newly added message and different fields in the Diagnoses and Conditions section

  • On the ‘Comprehensive Health Assessment List’ and ‘Comprehensive Health Assessment Search’ results pages, eCHATs will now be listed in the reverse alphabetical order of their corresponding Form IDs.

    Screenshot of the Comprehensive Health Assessment List page highlighting the Form ID column

    Screenshot of the Comprehensive Health Assessment Search results page highlighting the Form ID column

Individual Home Page

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  • The ‘Advanced Directives’ section has been reordered, and will now be displayed in the ‘Identification Data’ section of the ‘Profile’ tab.

    Screenshot showing the Individual Home Page Advanced Directive section.

  • The Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) dropdown list has been added in the 'Modules' section on the ‘Home’ tab. The following forms will be available in this list:
    • Integrated Supports Star
    • Life Trajectory
    • Vision Tool

    The forms of this dropdown list will vary depending on the forms enabled for the agency. Each form can be expanded to show New and Search links. Users assigned with the appropriate Charting the LifeCourse caseload-based roles will be able to access these links.

    Screenshot showing the Individual Home Page Modules section.

Individual Plan

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  • While a user is editing an Approved Individual Plan, any associated Change Forms cannot be deleted. If a user attempts to do so, then an error message will be displayed at the top of the Change Form stating the name, title, and provider code of the user who is currently editing the Individual Plan.

    Screenshot of the locked error message on an Individual Plan Change Form

  • A new checkbox titled Disable Individual Plan Discontinuation has been added on the Plan Templates. If this checkbox is enabled, then the Discontinue button will not be available in corresponding Approved Individual Plans.

    Screenshot of the Disable Individual Plan Discontinuation checkbox on a Plan Template

  • On the 'Service Support' form of an Individual Plan, if the Service Date To is selected as a date earlier than the Service Date From, then an error message will be displayed for the Service Date To field stating: Date To cannot be earlier than the Date From. Previously, the error message used to be displayed for the Service Date From field.

    Screenshot of the Service Date range error message on a Service Support form

    This error message will be displayed as a pop-up after clicking on the Calculate button next to the Total Units field.

    Screenshot of the Service Date range popup error message on a Service Support form


A new user interface has been introduced for the Letter module.

Letter Template

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  • The following changes have been made to the ‘Letter Template’ page:
    • The Template Type field has been removed.
    • A Subject Fixed checkbox has been added below the Subject field which will allow users to make the subject fixed for the respective templates.
    • A Letter Date Fixed checkbox has been added which will allow users to fix the date of the Letter on the letter creation date.
    • A Pdfs available only after Approve checkbox has been added which will allow users to view and download PDFs only after the Letter has been approved.
    • A Questionnaire dropdown field has been added which will populate the Questionnaires available for the respective provider.
    • A Shared with linked providers dropdown field has been added for the Oversight Providers only which will populate the available Linked Providers in the dropdown list.
    • A help button denoted by a question mark (?) has been added to the section header. Clicking on this button will show a list containing brief descriptions of the indicators that can be used in the respective fields while creating a Letter Template.
    • The Publish button has been removed.

    Screenshot showing the Letter Template page

  • For the users in North Dakota, the following additional changes have been made to the ‘Letter Template’ page:
    • A Must be Approved on Letter creation date checkbox has been added which will allow users to approve the Letter on the letter creation date.
    • An Active Eligibility Required checkbox has been added for the oversight users which will allow users to check whether the individual has an active Eligibility form while creating a Letter.
    • Users in the Oversight Providers will get additional indicators from the help button in the section header.

    Screenshot showing the Letter Template page for ND

  • The following changes have been made to the ‘Letter Template List’ page:
    • The Template Type column has been removed.
    • The Create New Template link has been removed.
    • The Export to Excel link has been added which will allow users to export the search results as an Excel file.
    • The Back button has been replaced by the Cancel button.

    Screenshot showing the Letter Template list page

  • The Publish button has been replaced with the Approve button in the Letter Templates of ‘Draft’ status.

    Screenshot showing the Letter Template in Draft Status

  • The ‘Published’ status has been renamed to ‘Approved’. A Copy button has been added at the bottom of the ‘Approved’ Letter Templates.

    Screenshot showing the Letter Template in Approved Status


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  • The Letter caseload-based role has been removed along with its respective functionality. The following new caseload-based roles have been added to the Super Roles and Shareable Super Roles in the ‘Letter’ section for Regular and Oversight Providers. Users will have to be assigned with the new caseload-based roles to access the Letter module:
    • Letter View: Allow users to search and view Letter forms in ‘Draft’, ‘Approved’, ‘Sent’, and ‘Deleted’ status.
    • Letter Edit: Allow users to create and edit Letters in ‘Draft’ status and view Letters of all status.
    • Letter Delete: Allow users to Delete Letters in ‘Draft’ status and view Letters of all status.
    • Letter Approve: Allow users to approve Letters in ‘Draft’ status and view Letters of all status.
    • Letter Mark As Sent: Allow users to mark Letters in ‘Approved’ status as sent and view Letters of all status.

    Screenshot showing the new Letter roles

  • A new ‘Individual List for Letter’ page has been added for users to select an individual while creating a Letter. The list will include the individuals of ‘Admitted’ and ‘Pending Admission’ status.

    Screenshot showing the Individual List for creating letter

  • The following changes have been made to the ‘Select Template’ section on the ‘Letter’ page:
    • The Individual field has been removed.
    • A new dropdown field has been added to the Recipient field which will pull a list of the Team Members from the Individual Demographic Form (IDF) of the individual.
    • The Create Letter and the Cancel button have been replaced with the Next and the Back buttons, respectively.
    • A note has been added stating, ‘Please select from any one recipient, if none is selected then the Individual becomes the recipient.’

    Screenshot showing the Letter page for creating new Letters

  • The following changes have been made to the ‘Create Letter’ section on the ‘Letter’ page:
    • A new Questionnaire field has been added. The Questionnaire selected in the Letter Template will be available in this field.
    • The CC field has been removed and the following fields titled CC From Contacts, CC From Staffs, and CC From Team Members have been added.
    • The Back button has been added at the bottom of the page.

    Screenshot showing the Letter page and the new fields for creating Letter

  • For the Letters in ‘Draft’ status, a new Approve button and a Cancel button have been added and the Mark As Sent button has been removed.

    Screenshot showing Letter in Draft status

  • A new status titled ‘Approved’ has been added to the Letters. The Mark As Sent button will be available at the bottom of the ‘Approved’ Letters.

    Screenshot showing Letter in Approved status

  • The following changes have been made to the ‘Letter Search’ page:
    • The Template field has been added as a new search parameter in the ‘Letter Search’ page.
    • The ‘Approved’ status has been added in the dropdown list of the Status field.
    • For Oversight Providers, a dropdown field titled Linked Providers has been added which will allow the users to search for the Letters that have been created in the linked Regular and Case Management Providers.

    Screenshot showing Letter Search page

    Screenshot showing Letter Search page for Oversight

  • The Draft and Approved links have been added in the ‘Letter’ section of the Dashboard. Clicking on the Draft and Approved links will show the list of letters in ‘Draft’ and ‘Approved’ status, respectively. The count for draft and approved Letters will remain on the dashboard for 30 days.

    Screenshot showing the new Dashboard links for Letter

    Screenshot showing Letter search result for Draft status

    Screenshot showing Letter search for Approved status

Level of Care

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  • A new Submit button has been added to the Level of Care forms in editable mode. This button will appear at the bottom of the Level of Care forms in editable mode if the read-only version of the form has a Submit button. Users with the Level of Care Submit caseload-based role will be able to submit the Level of Care forms after saving it.

    Screenshot showing the Submit button for the Level of Care form in editable mode.

Medication Administration Record (MAR)

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  • If users attempt to navigate away from a MAR form without saving the record(s) in Quick Mode, they will receive a warning message stating: 'Any Quick Data added to the MAR form will not be saved. Do you still want to continue?'.
    Users will be required to click the OK button to proceed with navigating away from the form, or they can choose the Cancel button to remain on the form.

    Screenshot showing the MAR Warning Message.

Service Directory

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  • A new Method of Data Collection dropdown field has been added to the ‘Service’ form. If ‘Billing Data Input’, ‘Attendance’, ‘Case Note’, or ‘EVV’ is selected in the Method of Data Collection dropdown field, then the Add ISP as Supporting Doc checkbox will be shown.

    Screenshot of the Service Directory form showing the Method of Data Collection field and the Add ISP as Supporting Doc checkbox.

Training Management System (TMS)

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  • The note related to the Recalculate the Validity Periods of Existing Training Certificates on this Training Class checkbox on the Training Class form has been updated.

    Screenshot of the note regarding recalculation of existing Training Certificates Validity Period.